Sunday, 6 January 2013

In the New Year!

Hello everyone!  It's been forever since I last posted.  I'm sure everyone was busy with holidays and in my case, nearly two weeks of everyone in the house being sick with colds and flus starting Christmas night :(.  But since we are all on the mend and I've been missing my work, I've snuck some time for a quick post.
Since I haven't had a lot of time to collect new post material I'm going to do a little reflecting on the few months of blogging I did in the past year and highlight a few of the most popular posts.

So here are the top three posts of last year!

1. When to Go Trendy and When to Stay Classic
I was kind of surprised this was the number one viewed post but that was a big day for my little blog!

2.Ryan's Room

3.Living Room Reveal

Coming in at a close fourth and fifth were Going Places Bedroom and Laundry Room Complete.
Room reveals definitely seem to be the most popular posts so I will try to include those as often as possible this year.  And if you have any requests of things you would like me to cover or highlight please comment or email!  I'm always looking for post topics. 
Thank you to everyone who have supported my new venture and to those who've already booked for this year.  You are very appreciated by me and my family!  Happy New Year everyone!  Hoping it's full of blessing for you and your family!!
-Kirsten :)

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